Tips on Wearing a Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Do you ride a motorcycle? Well, you aren’t alone. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), there are more than 8.4 million motorcycles registered in the United States. Whether you ride a chopper, cruiser, street bike or touring motorcycle, though, you consider investing in a leather motorcycle jacket. This versatile garment offers the perfect combination of comfort, style and protection from injury, making it the preferred choice of apparel among seasoned motorcycle riders. Here at LeatherCult, you can order a custom leather motorcycle jacket.

Choose a Color That Matches Your Motorcycle

When choosing a leather motorcycle jacket, consider the color and whether or not it matches your motorcycle. If you ride a black motorcycle, for example, you should probably avoid wearing a brown leather jacket because these two colors clash with each other. Instead, wear a black leather jacket that matches the color of your motorcycle. Color-coordinating your jacket with your motorcycle will help you ride in style.

Thickness Matters

The thickness of your leather motorcycle jacket will affect the level of protein it offers you against injury. Thin jackets, not surprisingly, offer less protection than thin jackets. So, how thick should your leather motorcycle jacket be? 1.4 millimeters (mm) is a good amount that works well for motorcycle jackets. You can certainly choose a leather motorcycle jacket that’s thicker than this, but aim for at least 1.4 mm.

Go With Genuine Leather

Don’t attempt to save money by purchasing a faux leather motorcycle jacket instead of a jacket made of genuine leather. Faux leather may look real, but it lacks the attractive qualities of genuine leather. You’ll probably pay more for a genuine leather motorcycle jacket. In the long run, however, it’s a smart investment. Genuine leather motorcycle jackets are soft and supple yet still strong and durable — a combination of characteristics that’s not found in faux leather jackets.

Zip or Button Up the Front

When preparing to ride, zip or button up the front of your leather motorcycle jacket so that it remains securely in place. Leaving the front open allows the sides to flap around while you ride. Not only is this uncomfortable, but you run the risk of losing your jacket as well. Turning a corner at a relatively high speed, for example, may cause your leather motorcycle jacket to fly off. You can prevent this from happening, however, by zipping or buttoning up the front. This isn’t necessary when you’re off your motorcycle. But when you’re riding, try to get into the habit of zipping or buttoning up the front of your jacket.

Dry It After Riding in the Rain

It’s perfectly fine to wear a leather motorcycle jacket in the rain, but you should dry it shortly after. Leather, like most fabrics and textiles, absorbs moisture. If you wear a leather motorcycle jacket long enough in the rain, it will become heavy from the moisture collected in its pores. Therefore, you need to dry it after riding wearing it while riding in the rain. Don’t place your leather motorcycle jacket in the clothes dryer. Instead, hang it on a clothes hanger and place it outside on a sunny day for a few hours. This should quickly dry your leather motorcycle jacket while leaving it smelling nice and fresh in the process.


Make Sure It’s Not Too Small

Don’t make the mistake of choosing a leather motorcycle jacket that’s too small. When riding a motorcycle, you’ll have to extend your arms in front of your body. If your leather jacket is too small, you may not be able to fully extend your arms, meaning you won’t be able to wear it while riding. To prevent this from happening, you need to wear a jacket that fits your body. You can find a properly fitted motorcycle jacket in one of two days: trying it on the store or ordering from LeatherCult. Of those two others, only the latter allows you to specify your own measurements. Here at LeatherCult, you can order a custom leather motorcycle jacket that’s designed according to your own body measurements. You give us your measurements, and we’ll use them to customize your leather motorcycle jacket so that it fits perfectly.

Pair It With Leather Motorcycle Pants

For maximum protection while riding, consider pairing your leather jacket with matching motorcycle pants. Wearing chinos, khakis or other men’s trousers while riding a motorcycle won’t offer. Not only are they uncomfortable, but they offer little or no protection against bodily injury. A pair of high-quality, genuine leather pants, on the other hand, offer both comfort and protection. Made of the same leather materials as a leather motorcycle jacket, they are the perfect choice of pants to wear when riding a motorcycle. Best of all, you can order leather pants here at LeatherCult as well.

Keep It Conditioned

Assuming your leather motorcycle jacket is made of genuine, real leather, you’ll need to keep it conditioned. This involves the use of a leather conditioner like saddle soap. Saddle soap and other leather conditioners contain a proprietary blend of ingredients that hydrates leather and protects it from damage. You can’t use just any fabric conditioning product on leather. Because of the unique properties of leather, many conventional fabric conditioners will damage leather. Leather conditioners, however, are formulated specifically for leather, so they are completely safe and effective to use on your leather motorcycle jacket. Just take a small amount of the conditioning product and gently massage it into the surface of your leather jacket. It’s recommended that you condition your leather motorcycle jacket once every few months so that it doesn’t dry out.

Break It In

The more you wear your leather motorcycle jacket, the more comfortable it will be. Leather, even when originally produced, is soft. But it will “break in” over time to become even softer and more comfortable. Therefore, you should take advantage of your new leather motorcycle jacket by wearing it often. Over time, you’ll discover subtle changes to your jacket’s texture. It will feel softer, more suppler and ultimately more comfortable to wear.

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